Teke Teke

Myth/Legend: Teke Teke Girl

Origin: Japan

The air clung to the people like a wet cocoon,

heavy and uncomfortable; a typical Tokyo June.

Below in the subway it was classic rush hour,

no one could have predicted the horror thereafter.

As the train pulls in with a clickety clack,

            and the teke girl came crawling,

            crawling, crawling,

The teke girl came crawling up the railway track.

A scythe in one hand, with great speed and malice,

half her body is missing; she is vengeful and callous.

What started as a joke took a turn for the worse,

now the city is darkened by that one summer’s curse.

They teased her and mocked her again and again,

til she fell to her death and now seeking revenge.

As summer approaches year after year,

residents grow fearful; they know she is near.

The air which once had everyone giddy for summer,

has grown thick with unease, dark and sombre.

As the train pulls in with a clickety clack,

            and the teke girl came crawling,

            crawling, crawling,

The teke girl came crawling up the railway track.

She halves her victims with a quick swift of her scythe,

feeding off their pain as she watches them die.

And now still on a hot summer’s day, when the air clung to the people like a wet cocoon,

heavy and uncomfortable; a typical Tokyo June.

As the train pulls in with a clickety clack,

            and the teke girl came crawling,

            crawling, crawling,

The teke girl came crawling up the railway track. ~ Fam Zsolti

 © All Rights Reserved. The Avid Wonderer. Fam Zsolti.

DISCLAIMER – This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental.

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